The Nova Scotian Cookie Company

Aug 7, 2024
The Nova Scotian Cookie Company

Maked and Baked right here in Nova Scotia, our little cookie company crafts the best tasting and most delicious shortbread treats around. Packaging them in adorable boxes, you’ll be proud to give them as gifts or keep them on a shelf for yourself as a memento of the time you spent here on Canada’s Ocean Playground.


We’re about making Nova Scotia a world-class place to live and raise a family. We believe in the power of giving back to create a stronger local community. Each and every product we sell contributes to causes and charities that are making Nova Scotia a better place.

That’s how we gift the next generation our best each day.

Gather ‘round The Flower Cart

We didn’t cook up these scrumptious wonders all on our own!

First of all - we bake them, and second, it’s our friends at social enterprise The Flower Cart Group who tackle the day-to-day making and packing of these uniquely Nova Scotian confections.

We’re honoured to call them our partners and share in their vision: to promote community participation of adults considered to have an intellectual disability through supported training and employment.

give them our best: our story

Steeped in a tradition of welcoming hospitality, Nova Scotia has been “putting the kettle on” for generations, greeting guests with warmth and genuine kindness. It’s what we do.

In that spirit, The Nova Scotia Cookie Company was founded. Something to go with all that tea.

The brainchild of Jenna Ross, proud entrepreneur, NSCookieCo cookies are designed to be a “go-to” gift that visitors & proud ex-pats can take home as a gift or enjoy for themselves.

As any good host does, we spare no expense in the creation of our lighthouse cookie collection. From ingredients to packaging there is only one goal, a message heard on the front porch after a sunny morning visit or at 3 am as the kitchen party breaks up - “Give them our best!”


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